Yard Game
Axe Throw
Implemented in the 2019 games, Axe Throw is a test of precision and skill. Similar to darts, but with bigger tools and targets, Axe Throw includes 7 implements: 3 silver axes, 2 black axes, and 2 knives. Teams throw the axes and knives at a wall of numbered logs to score 1-4 points each throw. Every player will throw all 7 implements, 3 times in the championships and twice in the consolations. Axe Throw is a Yard Game so 16 points are up for grabs if you claim the championship.
How many throws does each player get?
Each player throws all 7 implements (3 silver axes, 2 black axes, and 2 knives) 3 times for a total of 21 throws each.
In consolations, players only throw twice for a total of 14 throws each
Players can not cross the line in the grass when they throw
How is Axe Throw Scored?
It's simple, you count up the points on the logs that each of your axes are stuck to. If an axe is touching two numbers, you can choose the higher of those numbers.
Knives are worth double points
If an axe or knife is stuck to a blank log, no points are awarded
Axe throw is a yard game so you can receive up to 16 points for your overall team score - NCAA Scoring: 1st-16pts, 2nd-12pts, 3rd-10pts, 4th-8 pts, 5th -6pts, 6th-5 pts, 7th-4pts, 8th-3pts and 1 point for all teams that participate
What happens if the score is tied?
Each team will have one player throw one set of implements in a throw off. If it is still tied after all 7 implements, the other player throws. All play continues
What if there is a dispute in the game?
All disputes will be handled by the commissioner, Will Short. He has final say, if he is involved in the game Mack Short will make the call.
Historical Axe Throw Results
1 - Shelby Arredondo & Cortez Arredondo
2 - Bobbie Short & Chris Short
3 - Gina Wright & Dave Wright
4 - Wade Short & Jessica Short
5 - Mack Short & Samantha Short
6 - John Short & Jennifer Short
7 - Catherine Burkhardt & Dominick Burkhardt
8 - Lilliqui Short & Quayin Short
1 - Catherine Burkhardt & Zach Zellmer
2 - Bobbie Short & Chris Short
3 - Shelby Arredondo & Cortez Arredondo
4 - Jack Ryan & Katie
5 - Sam Frid & Taylor Frid
6 - Jake Short & Rachel Short
7 - Will Short & Jodi Short
8 - John Short & Jennifer Short
1 - Quayin Short & Lilliqui Short
2 - John Short & Jennifer Short
3 - Sydnie Froyd & Josh Froyd
4 - Jake Short & Rachel Short
5 - Wade Short & Jessica Short
6 - Morgan Short & Zach Spychalla
7 - Dani Day & Alex Tate
8 - Bobbie Short & Chris Short
1 - Lilliqui Short & Soren
2 - Catherine & Dominick Burkhardt
3 - Sydnie Froyd & Josh Froyd
4 - Wade Short & Jessica Short
5 - Vristol Short & Kaitlyn Cudo
6 - Jake Short & Rachel Short
7 - John Short & Jennifer Short
8 - Mack Short & Samantha Short