Best shooter wins. Players shoot a bb-gun from varying distances at a target. Marksman is a challenge so 10 points are up for grab for the champions.
How is Marksman Scored?
You will work your way through a shooting course, the first shot at a designated spot is worth 10 points, second shot is worth 6 points, last shot is worth 2 points
Each player will shoot at 6 different designated spots, so a perfect score is 120
The only way you get a second shot at a designated spot is if a BB did not fire, and you had a misfire
If there is a tie in your score, we will review the time you finished the course
Marksman is a Short Games Challenge so you can receive up to 10 points for your overall team score - 1st place-10pts, 2nd place-8pts, 3rd place-7pts, 4th place-6pts, 5th place-5pts, 6th place-4pts, 7th place-3pts, 8th -place -2pts and any completion of the challenge will get 1 point.
What if there is a dispute in the game?
All disputes will be handled by the commissioner, Will Short. He has final say, if he is involved in the game Mack Short will make the call.
Historical Marksman Results
1 - Quayin Short & Lilliqui Short
2 - Jake Short & Rachel Short
3 - Sydnie Froyd & Josh Froyd
4 - Wade Short & Jessica Short
5 - Sam Frid & Taylor Frid
6 - Bobbie Short & Chris Short
7 - John Short & Jennifer Short
8 - Mack Short & Samantha Short
1 - John Short & Jennifer Short
2 - Wade Short & Jessica Short
3 - Vristol Short & Kaitlyn Cudo
4 - Bobbie Short & Chris Short
5 - Catherine & Dominick Burkhardt
6 - Morgan Short & Zach Spychalla
7 - Katy Delong & Zack Delong
8 - Jake Short & Rachel Short
1 - Jennifer & John Short - 96
2 - Wade & Jessica Short - 84
3 - Lilliqui Short & Soren - 68
4 - Sydnie & Josh Froyd - 64
4 - Jordan Rothers & Emma - 64
5 - Morgan Short & Cash Raymond - 62
6 - Sam Frid & Taylor Frid - 46
7 - Jake Short & Rachel Short - 44
7 - Mack Short & Samantha Short - 44
8 - Dan Wunderlich & Sam Wunderlich - 42